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Shubh Sidhu

VP Growth

Home | Our Story | Shubh Sidhu

Zayzoon’s VP of Growth, Shubh Sidhu was born in St. John’s, Newfoundland. Shubh grew up in Edmonton, Alberta and went on to graduate from the University of Alberta with an Engineering degree. Shubh has known Zayzoon CEO Darcy Tuer for many years and jumped at the opportunity to work with him. He also found joining ZayZoon to be “an opportunity to do good while I was doing my job, and those opportunities don't come along every day.”

When asked to list his favourite ZayZoon memory, Shubh concedes it's an impossible question to answer since every week, there is someone doing something new that makes him happy or makes him laugh. He points out, if he was asked this in a month he would have more wonderful memories to add. If he had to pick, he most likely would say going to Minneapolis with Darcy and then later that same year heading to Orlando with Tate. Most fun he's ever had on a work trip.

Shubh’s aspiration is to be the best partner and father he can be, pointing out “the thing that makes me happiest is when the people that I care about are happy.” The father of three takes a very active role in mentoring; empowering team members to do their best and think outside the box. This is why many see him as their unofficial work dad who you want to impress.